Could you define for me what it is to be a "Judeo-Christian?" How does this differ from just being a "Christian?" …
[Read more...] about What is meant by the term “Judeo-Christian?”
Weekly Video Podcasts
Weekly programs from Fellowship Church discussing current events and audience questions from a Biblical perspective.
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Could you define for me what it is to be a "Judeo-Christian?" How does this differ from just being a "Christian?" …
[Read more...] about What is meant by the term “Judeo-Christian?”
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Peter said in 1 Peter 3:19, that Jesus preached to the fallen Angels. What did He preach to them? …
[Read more...] about What Did Jesus Preach to the Spirits in Prison?
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When Jesus spoke to the Samaritan woman at Jacob's well, He said that salvation was of the Jews. What does that mean? His statement pointed to worshiping God, …
[Read more...] about Salvation & Worship, How Do They Relate?
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In response to a current event story about a Catholic priest in Phoenix resigning after he baptized thousands using the wrong pronoun. He stated that he …
[Read more...] about Can a Baptism be Invalidated by Not Saying the Right Words?