Why after preventing the apostle Paul from going to Asia does Jesus give John final direction to churches in Asia? Why is Revelation not addressed to all …
A Voice to the Gentile Church Webcast
Weekly programs from Fellowship Church discussing current events and audience questions from a Biblical perspective.
Why Does Zion Matter to Me?
I have been reading through the bible and realized that Mount Moriah and Mount Zion are the same. It seems that Jerusalem and the Temple Mount (Zion) are always …
Do I Have the Wrong Name for Jesus?
Some say that the name we use for Yeshua (Jesus) does not matter and as long as we know His character, that's all that matters. I have become very sensitive …
What Do You Mean by “Gentile” Church?
I was recently reading the book of Romans and came across the "rich root of the olive tree" and realized that represents Israel and that our identity should be …