Yonaton Behar, a resident of Har Bracha, a community on Mt. Gerizim (see Joshua 8:33), speaks about community life in a post-Oct. 7 Israel. Behar is a Rabbinic Scholar and Public Relations director for Yeshivat Har Bracha, an Orthodox Hezder Yeshiva (one whose curriculum includes military service). He works closely with Rabbi Eliezer Melamed, the Rosh Yeshiva (Head of the Yeshiva), translating his weekly Parsha discussions into English. Melamed, whose Yeshiva borders vineyards husbanded by Tommy Waller and Ha Yovel, is a front-runner in building bridges between Orthodox Jews and Believers in Messiah Jesus. For decades, Behar has worked to proclaim the truth of God’s purposes for His land, especially Judea and Samaria.
A VOICE TO THE GENTILE CHURCH – A Ministry of Fellowship Church
Pastor Roger Diaz, Jim Wingerter, Dolores Lowe
Music: Yosef Karduner · ‘Shir La’Ma’Alot’ · A Song to Ascend (Psalm 121)